Company News

Re-entering the High Security Government and Intelligence Agency Space

Invisinet’s origins were rooted in addressing the needs of the United States military. More than ten years ago, the company (under the name BlackRidge Technology) was tasked by the U.S. Army and The Department of Defense to develop a technology to both secure and cloak IP-connected devices riding over unsecure public infrastructure in foreign theaters of war. Although it was never implemented during active combat, the solution eventually made its way onto the DoD Approved Product List in 2018.

Written by:
Brendan Sullivan--Chief Executive Officer
Brendan Sullivan--Chief Executive Officer
Published on:
March 4, 2025
Re-entering the High Security Government and Intelligence Agency Space

From Military Innovation to the Foundation of Zero Trust

Like many internet technologies designed for the U.S.military, this concept became the foundation of what is now Zero TrustArchitecture (ZTA) – NIST 800-207 -- the basis of which is that no network can be considered trusted, and the idea that people and devices should be constantly verified and reverified every time they are connected to each other. As a ZTA Identity and Access Management (IAM) technology provider we continue to believe that trusted identity passed inside the IP packets from pointA to point Z is to most effective way to maintain and verify Zero Trust, and that cloaking protected resources is the ONLY proactive way to block bad actors(state sponsored or otherwise) from performing reconnaissance on your network to set up an attack.

As the need and addressable market for ZTA solutions significantly expanded, so did the Invisinet's strategic focus, most importantly with a practical shift from military application to protecting critical infrastructure and commercial enterprises. Specifically, our solutions have been tested and/or implemented across various critical manufacturing, mobile communications, local municipal utilities and even casino operations. As we have developed momentum in these sectors, Invisinet is ready to recertify and re-list in support of allU.S. federal government agencies.

Recently, I was honored to present the Invisinet solution at the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Technical ExchangeMeeting (TEM) and to the National Security Agency (NSA) via the MilitaryOperations Society (MORS) Communities of Practice.

See to the full presentation at the DISA TEM meeting HERE
For Community members of MORS view the presentation HERE

With the upcoming placement on the U.S. General ServicesAdministration (GSA) schedule, our renewed focus on the State and LocalGovernment and Federal (SLED/FED) sectors will be supercharged with the new distribution partnership with immixGroup. Their vast network and expertise in this space, combined with our technical solution will greatly aid the SLED/FED operations toward achieving Zero Trust assurance.

Our approach to Zero TrustNetwork Architecture (ZTNA) is a true extension of the Department ofDefense reference architecture. Although the concept is simple, the execution across all modern forms of IP networks is complex. Unlike most ZTA IAM solutions that verify identity at the application layer. Invisinet’s patented First Packet Authentication TM inserts tokenized identity in the very first packet of network session setup.

Our solution:

  • Invokes identity and identity-centric policies at the earliest possible time per session, per device, making man in the middle attacks extremely difficult.
  • Cloaks protected resources by blocking unauthorized network scanning stopping attackers in the pre-compromise phase of the cyber kill chain.
  • Significantly reduces attacks originating from stolen credentials and malicious insiders, the top two vectors of attack in 2024.
  • Cost effectively allows you to dynamically micro-segment your network using identity-centric attributes like “Trust Levels” and replace legacy access systems that statically maintained.
  • Is easy to integrate and will enhance your other ZTA investments, as it provides significantly better real-time context to your AI- backed Intrusion detection systems and Threat Intelligence platforms, significantly reducing false indicators of compromise and improving the efficiencies of your security analysts and security audits.

With the momentum we have with real use cases in critical infrastructure, we are now even better positioned to support cyber protection for the U.S. federal agencies and other governments with their ever-expanding and digitally modernized networks.

To learn more about Invisinet’s re-entry into federal government and the full suite of innovations from Invisinet, please contact us for an in-depth discussion.

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