Invisinet: Zero Trust Cybersecurity

Identity is the first pillar of Zero Trust architecture. Our technology enforces Zero Trust identity-based access through First Packet Authentication™ essentially making networks invisible at the earliest point possible.

  • Cloak Networks and Assets from unauthorized traffic
  • Enforce granular and dynamic Identity-based Micro-segmentation without changing the network
  • Deploy highly interoperable solution across IT and OT hybrid networks
  • Secure business-critical AI systems

Pushing trusted-identity through the IP network layer and blocking unauthorized access at the first packet creates a highly scalable way to realize the full benefits of your Zero Trust Network Architecture stack.

Advanced security solutions from Invisinet

Secure Cloaking

Hide your network from unauthorized entities


Limit your network into secure zones

Secure Remote Access

Deliver Secure Remote Access for Vendors, Staff, and Equipment

Cybersecurity Attack Metrics*

Number of Attacks a year


Number of Cybersecurity Breaches a year


Affected Victims annually


Attacks with Invisinet